We all know that the world’s most expensive platters are mostly prepared from mushrooms. Mushrooms are pricey as well
as healthy that no one can deny. India doesn’t have many super-expensive luxury foods. But while all these products

pinch your pocket, they are usually just about affordable.

B Real Products is proud to bring you another luxury food, Gucchi Mushroom or Morels which is exclusive and expensive.
Gucchi or Dried Morels is a wild mushroom that is grown in the foothills of the Himalayas. These mushrooms cannot be
cultivated commercially and instead they grow wild only in some regions like Uttarakhand, Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh
after the snowfall period. Gucchi mushrooms are very fragile and a lot of effort is required to retain their pleated
honeycomb texture. It can take months before enough is collected, dried and available for sale in the market.


The villagers start the laborious process of collecting these elusive mushrooms sometime around March which continues
till May-end. They start at the crack of the dawn and spend their day their entire day wandering through risky areas and

sometimes digging through thick layers of snow to find these hidden delicacies

They have a unique flavor and earthy aroma.


Though generally believed that they are all about taste, morels not only taste incredible, but there are positive health

benefits, and nutritional value that brings to our overall good health.

Gucchi Mushrooms contain lots of antioxidants that are good in protecting your body from free radicals. These free
radicals are often the cause of heart diseases, Parkinson’s disease, Type 1, and Type 2 Diabetes. The antioxidants in Morels

help in removing harmful molecules in your body called reactive oxygen species.

Morels are known to contain one of the highest amounts of Vitamin D among all edible mushrooms. You can get 34% of
your daily required levels of Vitamin D from 100 grams, or a little less than a cup of Morel mushrooms- specifically

Vitamin D-2.

The morel contains high amounts of potassium, vitamins and copper which all contribute to a healthy heart.
Gucchi Mushrooms are found to be very beneficial to kidneys. Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) is an inorganic compound that
was found to be causing issues with our kidneys and central nervous system. Various studies have shown that CCL4 with
ethanol can damage one’s liver. However, extract of morel mycelium was found to be enough to provide protection

against liver damage from CCL4.


Guchchi mushrooms need to be soaked in hot water for at least an hour to moisten them and to remove all the dirt and
sand particles that may cling on to the porous skin of the mushroom. Gucchi ‘kebabs’ are served up at expensive
restaurants and morels are used in Kashmiri cooking. They are usually diced and stir-fired with spices, and unlike with

many other mushrooms, their taste is strong enough to handle this.

One of the best ways to prepare them, both in terms of doing full justice to their flavor and also their cost, is to cook
them simply with rice. Savory aroma of cooking rice is multiplied by the earthier aroma of the Gucchi Mushrooms.